Source code for settings

import os
import json
import platform
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QDialog, QSizePolicy
from PySide6.QtGui import QAction, QPixmap
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt

# UI imports
from src.ui.settings_ui import Ui_Form  # noqa: E402

# Utils imports
from src.utils.logger_utility import logger

# Global base settings and theme path
base_settings_path: Path = Path(os.getcwd()) / ".config" / "settings.json"
base_theme_path: Path = Path(os.getcwd()) / "src" / "themes" / "themes.json"

[docs] @logger.catch def get_settings_path() -> Path: """Get the settings path based on the platform""" home_dir: Path = Path.home() settings_path: Path = base_settings_path if platform.system() == "Linux": settings_path = home_dir / ".config" / "ManimStudio" / "settings.json" if platform.system() == "Windows": settings_path = ( home_dir / "AppData" / "Roaming" / "ManimStudio" / "settings.json" ) if platform.system() == "Darwin": settings_path = ( home_dir / "Library" / "Application Support" / "ManimStudio" / "settings.json" ) return settings_path
settings_path: Path = get_settings_path() if not settings_path.exists(): settings_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(base_settings_path, "r") as file: settings: Dict[str, Any] = json.load(file) with open(settings_path, "w") as file: json.dump(settings, file, indent=4)
[docs] @logger.catch def get_themes_path() -> Path: """Get the themes path""" return base_theme_path
themes_path: Path = get_themes_path() """Settings"""
[docs] @logger.catch def load_settings() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load the settings from the settings.json file""" try: with open(settings_path, "r") as file: return json.load(file) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return {}
[docs] @logger.catch def update_settings(new_settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """Overwrite the settings file with the new settings""" try: with open(settings_path, "w") as file: json.dump(new_settings, file, indent=4) return True except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return False
[docs] @logger.catch def load_themes(): """Load the themes from the themes.json file""" try: with open(themes_path, "r") as file: return json.load(file) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return {}
[docs] @logger.catch def load_current_theme() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load the current theme""" settings: Dict[str, Any] = load_settings() try: theme_module: str = settings["theme"].get("moduleName") theme_name: str = settings["theme"].get("fileName") with open( themes_path.parent / theme_module / theme_name, "r", ) as file: return json.load(file) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return {}
"""Recent Projects Paths"""
[docs] @logger.catch def add_recent_project_creation_path(project_creation_path: str) -> None: """Add a recent project creation path to the settings file""" settings: Dict[str, Any] = load_settings() recent_creation_paths: List[str] = settings.get("recentProjectCreationPaths", []) if project_creation_path not in recent_creation_paths: recent_creation_paths.insert(0, project_creation_path) if len(recent_creation_paths) > 10: # Keep only the 10 most recent recent_creation_paths = recent_creation_paths[:10] settings["recentProjectCreationPaths"] = recent_creation_paths update_settings(settings)
[docs] @logger.catch def add_recent_project_path(project_path: str) -> None: """Add a recent project path to the settings file with last modification date and size""" settings: Dict[str, Any] = load_settings() recent_project_paths: List[Dict[str, Any]] = settings.get("recentProjectPaths", []) # Get last modification time and size modification_time = os.path.getmtime(project_path) size = os.path.getsize(project_path) # Create a new entry for the project new_project_entry = { "path": project_path, "last_modified": modification_time, "size": size, } # Check if the project already exists in the list and update it for project in recent_project_paths: if project["path"] == project_path: project.update(new_project_entry) break else: # If the project is not in the list, add it recent_project_paths.insert(0, new_project_entry) # Keep only the 10 most recent recent_project_paths = recent_project_paths[:10] settings["recentProjectPaths"] = recent_project_paths update_settings(settings)
[docs] @logger.catch def get_recent_project_creation_paths() -> List[str]: """Get the recent project creation paths""" return load_settings().get("recentProjectCreationPaths", [])
[docs] @logger.catch def get_recent_project_paths() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the recent project paths with their last modification date and size""" return load_settings().get("recentProjectPaths", [])
[docs] @logger.catch def update_image(ui, current_theme) -> None: """Update the image based on the theme and resize event.""" if ( "latte" in current_theme["name"].lower() or "light" in current_theme["name"].lower() ): image_path: str = "docs/_static/ManimStudioLogoLight.png" else: image_path: str = "docs/_static/ManimStudioLogoDark.png" pixmap: QPixmap = QPixmap(image_path) if not pixmap.isNull() and not pixmap.size().isEmpty(): scaledPixmap: QPixmap = pixmap.scaled( ui.label.size(), Qt.AspectRatioMode.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.TransformationMode.SmoothTransformation, ) ui.label.setPixmap(scaledPixmap) ui.label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter)
[docs] @logger.catch def apply_stylesheet(main_window, ui, settings, current_theme) -> None: """Apply the stylesheet to the main window and update the image based on the theme""" # Set the custom stylesheet based on the current theme customStyleSheet: str = f"background-color: {current_theme['background']}; color: {current_theme['font']}; border-color: {current_theme['primary']}; font-size: {settings['fontSize']}px; font-family: {settings['fontFamily']}; " main_window.customStyleSheet = customStyleSheet main_window.setStyleSheet(customStyleSheet) if hasattr(main_window, "styleSheetUpdated"): main_window.styleSheetUpdated.emit(customStyleSheet) customMenubarStylesheet = str( f"background-color: {current_theme['primary']}; color: {current_theme['font']}; border-color: {current_theme['primary']}; font-size: {settings['fontSize']}px; font-family: {settings['fontFamily']}; " ) if hasattr(ui, "menubar"): ui.menubar.setStyleSheet(customMenubarStylesheet) else: main_window.menuBar().setStyleSheet(customMenubarStylesheet) # Update the image if hasattr(ui, "label"): update_image(ui, current_theme) main_window.styleSheetUpdated.emit(customStyleSheet)"Stylesheet applied")
[docs] @logger.catch def load_ui(main_window, ui, settings, current_theme, themes): """Load the UI from the .ui file""" ui.setupUi(main_window) ui.label.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Policy.Preferred) ) # Apply the theme apply_stylesheet(main_window, ui, settings, current_theme) # Create new menubar item settings_action = QAction("Settings", main_window) settings_action.triggered.connect( lambda: open_settings_dialog(main_window, settings, themes, current_theme) ) ui.menubar.addAction(settings_action) ui.newProjectBtn.clicked.connect(lambda: main_window.show_project_creation_dialog()) ui.openProjectBtn.clicked.connect(lambda: main_window.show_project_open_dialog())"UI loaded") return ui
[docs] @logger.catch def open_settings_dialog(main_window, settings, themes, current_theme) -> None: """Open the settings dialog""" settingsDialog: QDialog = QDialog() uiSettings: Ui_Form = Ui_Form() uiSettings.setupUi(settingsDialog) # Change window title settingsDialog.setWindowTitle("Settings") # Inherit the theme from the main window settingsDialog.setStyleSheet(main_window.customStyleSheet) main_window.styleSheetUpdated.connect(settingsDialog.setStyleSheet) # Load settings and themes to the dialog uiSettings.fontSizeSpinBox.setValue(settings["fontSize"]) uiSettings.fontComboBox.setCurrentText(settings["fontFamily"]) uiSettings.themeComboBox.clear() # Populate the theme combobox with full theme data for theme_module in themes: for variant in theme_module["variants"]: variant_data = json.dumps(variant) uiSettings.themeComboBox.addItem(variant["name"], variant_data) # Set the current theme in the combobox current_theme_index = uiSettings.themeComboBox.findText(current_theme["name"]) if current_theme_index >= 0: uiSettings.themeComboBox.setCurrentIndex(current_theme_index) uiSettings.saveSettingsBtn.clicked.connect( lambda: update_settings_from_dialog( main_window, uiSettings, settings, themes, current_theme ) ) settingsDialog.exec()
[docs] @logger.catch def update_settings_from_dialog( main_window, uiSettings, settings, themes, current_theme ) -> None: """Update the settings from the dialog, and update the UI""" # Get recentProjects array from the current settings recentProjectPaths: List[str] = settings.get("recentProjectPaths", []) # Get recentProjectCreationPaths array from the current settings recentProjectCreationPaths: List[str] = settings.get( "recentProjectCreationPaths", [] ) # Get the current values from the dialog fontSize: int = uiSettings.fontSizeSpinBox.value() fontFamily: str = uiSettings.fontComboBox.currentText() # Extract full theme data from the selected item in the combobox theme_data_json: str = uiSettings.themeComboBox.currentData() selected_theme: Dict = json.loads(theme_data_json) # Create a new settings object new_settings: Dict = { "fontSize": fontSize, "fontFamily": fontFamily, "theme": selected_theme, "recentProjectCreationPaths": recentProjectCreationPaths, "recentProjectPaths": recentProjectPaths, } # Pass the new settings to the settings module if update_settings(new_settings): # Update the global settings variable settings = new_settings # Update the current theme current_theme = load_current_theme() # Apply the stylesheet apply_stylesheet(main_window, main_window.ui, settings, current_theme)